جنة الطفل

Omar & Hana Islamic Cartoon the best content for your children on youtube


Do you search for an Islamic content for your children? you can’t find better than Omar & Hana Islamic Cartoon, which is followed by more than 3 millions all over the world!

Omar & Hana Islamic Cartoon

Follow the journey of Omar, Hana with their family and friends. They share very interesting moments as they play, learn and teach good Islamic characteristic. The also introduce moral values through songs. This is what the channel aims.

Content of Omar & Hana Islamic Cartoon

The Cartoon contains a large great library which gather a lot of videos aiming to getting children aware of their religion by an interesting short stories.

  • 30 days Ramadan
  • Animal are amazing
  • Songs
  • Compilations
  • Special collaboration
  • Parenting
  • Fun facts
  • Singles

About Videos – Omar & Hana Islamic Cartoon

Omar & Hana Islamic Cartoon

Malaysian Islamic preschool edutainment children’s animated television series aimed at two to six years old. Both Omar and Hana usually tell a story of a journey of two siblings to learn about Islam values.

The series has 5 seasons and more than 100 episodes. It was showed for the first time in 2017 in Malay language and in English. The series is translated to other languages like:

  • Indonesian
  • Chinese
  • Arabic
  • Urdu

The series collected millions of views all over the world. Omar and his young sister, Hana, through everyday experiences and stories from the Quran and Hadith.

Also read: Omar Suleiman – 7 information you need to know about him!

Teaching Islam for children

Some people think that it is tough to educate children Islamic issues, this is totally wrong! Islam is life, we shall raise our sons and daughters on Islam. We shall teach our children Islamic morals and values like:

  • Honesty
  • Cooperation
  • Helping others
  • Justice
  • Charity

In addition, parents shall teach their children the correct belief, the basic principles and answering some simple questions.

  • Who created the universe?
  • Who is our Prophet?
  • What is the prize of doing goods things?
  • What is the penalty of doing bad things?

They need to know important lessons by a simple, attractive and informative way. Omar & Hana Islamic Cartoon is a good example for an Islamic content. You can watch the series from the following link:

Omar & Hana Islamic Cartoon

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